Mubashir Hussain

🚀 React Native Frontend Developer | UI/UX Craftsman

Passionate about crafting seamless and captivating user experiences through React Native, I specialize in frontend development for cross-platform mobile applications. 📱✨

💡 Key Competencies:

Expert in building responsive and pixel-perfect UIs using React Native Proficient in state management with Redux for efficient data flow Skilled in optimizing performance for smooth user interactions Experience in integrating and customizing third-party libraries and APIs 🛠️ Technical Proficiency:

React Native Components: Navigators, Animations, Gesture Handlers Redux for State Management Expo for Rapid Development React Navigation for smooth navigation flows 🌐 Cross-Platform Excellence:

Ensuring consistent UI/UX across iOS and Android platforms Implementing platform-specific features and optimizations

🚀 DevOps Engineer | Continuous Innovation Advocate

Passionate about orchestrating seamless collaboration between development and operations, I specialize in implementing robust DevOps practices to accelerate software delivery and enhance system reliability. 🛠️🔧

🔍 Key Expertise:

Designing and implementing CI/CD pipelines for efficient software delivery Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using tools such as Terraform and Ansible Docker containerization for scalable and portable applications Kubernetes for orchestrating containerized workloads 🌐 Cloud Mastery:

Proficient in cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Infrastructure optimization for cost-efficiency and performance Leveraging serverless architecture for scalable solutions 📈 Monitoring & Automation:

Implementing automated testing and monitoring for proactive issue resolution Configuration management to ensure consistency across environments

🛠️ Tech Stack:

CI/CD: Jenkins, GitLab CI, Travis CI Containers: Docker, Kubernetes Infrastructure as Code: Terraform, Ansible Cloud Platforms: AWS, Azure 🔐 Security Focus:

Incorporating security best practices throughout the development lifecycle